


Knowledgeable! Ambitious! Hardworking! are arguably the first things that will impress anyone about Dr. Bhoka George, the District Health Officer. I walk into his office and he stands up to usher me in, we exchange pleasantries and sit down almost in unison. His respect for others is quite admirable. It is no doubt that a quick survey had nominated him as a role model figure not just at his department but at the institutional level too.I am not surprised later when he tells me that he has barely half a year to leave the office to join politics; a task he has deferred since 2001. He quickly runs through his long list of achievements spanning from serving in Arua and Moyo hospitals to AMREF, USAID, and UNICEF. It is evident that he has been a leader for a larger part of his 51 years right from his school days including once studying in a seminary.Currently, he serves as a board chairman for Action for Development and a member of the National Steering Committee of the Health sector integrated refugees response plan of the Ministry of Health. As he hands me a copy of the response plan, I can’t help but wonder how and if these achievements are of any value to the District.Among numerous achievements he has accomplished in the last 3 years, Dr. Bhoka is passionate about having provided stewardship to the health department that saw it emerge the 1st from the 75th position. He is also proud of the various awards and rewards the departments has received especially in the management of Tuberculosis. He, however, expresses disappointment that the department dropped in performance because of the delay to harmonize the correct number of refugees. He attributes the achievements to the continuous mentorship of his staff, the belief in a common vision, the numerous implementing partners, prioritizing accountability and the cohesion between the political and technical leadership of the district.These achievements haven’t however been a bed of roses. The beginning of this beautiful journey as he looks back was quite challenging. At the time he was appointed, for example, he had to serve as both a Medical Superintendent of the Hospital and District Health Officer for some time as the recruiting authorities looked for a replacement for the former position. But that was not all, he also had an uphill task of ensuring that the people he hoped to lead had the right mindset. He explains that some people had spent many more years and therefore didn’t welcome the idea of having to do things in quite a different way. He cites an example of how hard it was to convince implementing partners to come to the district for meetings instead of a long tradition he had found in place where district officials would go and attend meeting at premises of partners.While he appreciates the fact that partners have been a great blessing to the district in many ways, the district still remains in control of anything within its mandate and that includes playing a patronage role whenever it is required. He says he is happy that partners are beginning to appreciate the capacity of the local government to deliver and manage services. A realization he believes comes handy with a looming influx of refugees.He also expressed his discomfort working with people who cared more about their personal survival than the benefit of all. This he observes undermines the beauty of service delivery and public service. One other challenge he also admits he has struggled to avert is the poor customer care at the hospital by some staff. I ask him if he is not concerned that these achievements may go to the dogs after he leaves. Dr says he is trying his best to find a successor to mentor but he has also not fully made up his mind to leave the office. He reveals that a few observers especially family members are advising him to pursue a career path to the Ministry of Health instead of tussling it out for the Obongi MP seat with his cousin.As he deliberates on the best step to take, the MP hopeful says he feels district representatives shouldn’t just be participants in parliament but influencers of national policies and advocates of lobbying. In fact, he says he would be delighted to see a district council with mainly graduates. I don’t know for sure how viable that is but I agree with his favorite quote that states that success comes from hard work and determination.PROFILE Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery (Makerere University) Master of Public Health Degree (University of Leeds, UK) Post Graduate Diploma in Business Administration (Herriot Watt University, Scotland) Certificate in Administrative Law (Law Development Centre)  


One year later, the name “Sardinia” has become such a famous one in the Madi Sub Region. About the same time last year during a two-day summit, the Italian Regional Government of Sardinia signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Madi Sub Region of Uganda for a project dubbed; “Sardinia Regional Government Madi Sub Region Development Partnership” that seeks to promote Water Resources Management, Environment and Forestry as well as Crop and Livestock development.During the Summit organized by Adjumani District Local Government in collaboration with other Development partners in the Madi Sub-Region, a delegation from Italy, headed by the Italian Minister for Regional Cooperation, Filippo Spanu, also interacted with the locals of Madi Sub Region to discuss the best ways to develop the region through the established partnership.During the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding during the summit, Minister Filippo Spanu represented the Republic of Italy while the first Deputy Prime Minister of Uganda, Rt. Hon. Gen Moses Ali signed on behalf of the Madi Sub Region and the Government of Uganda.Adjumani District Chairperson, James Leku on his part said that the Madi Sub Region suffers massive environmental degradation, low agricultural productivity, and insufficient and inadequate water quality and quantity which needs a more effective and participatory approach.The two teams are currently in the early stages of designing a project proposal for a hub for biogas with the main aim of eliminating the use of charcoal and firewood for cheap and clean energy by improving health, livelihoods, and environment through promoting biogas.In another new project named; ‘Environment and Water Solutions project’ that will be completed by the end of next year, there will also be the construction of a state of art water quality testing laboratory for Madi Sub Region at Adjumani District Headquarters.The five-year renewable project will focus on addressing the challenges related to infrastructural development, Water and Sanitation, environment and production.PROGRAM PROFILE/TIMELINE. 10th January 2018, Representatives of Sardinia Regional Government met and held discussions on collaboration . 18th/19th October 2018, MOU signed in Adjumani . Oct 2018, Project Proposal on food security and forestry submitted for support to Italian agencies and their partners awaiting feedback . May 2019, Capacity building for 3 weeks in Italy of 4 technical officers from Madi Sub Region. September 2019, follow up meeting in Italy by Gen Moses Ali and Adjumani District Chairman • October 2019, Experts from Sardinia visit Madi Sub Region to consult on the possible development of proposals, especially on water resources management. Meet with the technical team, visit potential sites, visit the Italian Embassy, European Union officials and brief Italian NGOs. 


Hosting refugees as challenging as it is has proved to be, remains a blessing in disguise for the district. On 25th September 2019, we hosted officials from Ministry of Local Government, Ambassador of the Republic of Korea, UNDP Resident Representative, Korea International Cooperation Agency Country Director and Head of Sub Office, UNHCR - Uganda for the launch of the: “ Uganda Host and Refugee Community Empowerment “ Project that will run from 2019 to 2022.“The Korean government deeply understands the suffering of the refugees who have fled their land due to conflicts”. The Korean Ambassador to Uganda.” H E Ha Byung-kyoo "This project strengthens the humanitarian efforts by introducing innovative development interventions for refugee and host communities and targeting local government with a focus on addressing the medium and long term social-economic impacts for displacement which is a critical issue in line with the comprehensive refugee response framework”. The State Minister for Local Government, Jennifer Namuyangu“I see it as a good initiative that is targeting both the host and refugee communities. Gender-based violence is a development concern because when a couple is not in good terms, there won’t be development at the household level which in turn makes it so hard to have development at any other level.” Ag District Community Development Officer, Mawadri RamadhanThe project that is funded by the Government of the Republic of Korea will be implemented by UNDP under the Government of Uganda in two other districts of Lamwo and Obongi.The project aims at promoting economic empowerment of the communities with an emphasis on catering for the socio-economic vulnerability of women and youth in refugee-hosting communities and targeting 7,000 individuals with 36,000 indirect beneficiaries.


Scenes of children singing passionately and loudly with the punctuation of a beautiful sound made by a band graced with excitement the usually quiet afternoon at the District Headquarters on September 3rd.Our team of Under 12 girls won a trophy and 16 gold medals in the national champions Football tournament after emerging as the best. Their coach, Mawadri Charles Delson, was thus awarded as the Best Male Coach 2019.Our team of Under 16 girls also came second out of 114 others thereby winning 16 silver medals while our teams of Under 14 for both boys and girls came third with each participant being awarded bronze medals.The District Education Officer, Dima Robert, commended the teams observing that the department is moving in the footprints of the health department which has in the past few years always emerged as the best adding that this performance complements that of two teachers who were also earlier that week awarded for being among the top 50 best teachers this year nationwide. He urged the CAO to award both categories for the noble work they had done.The Deputy CAO, Mukula Max Martin, on his part urged the pupils to emulate the same performance in their academics. He, however, added that, now that talent is visible in the teams, his office would work tirelessly to see that this talent is correctly and accurately nurtured.The Secretary for Health, Raleo Rose, a former netballer who represented the LC5, thanked the coaches of the teams and asked God to reward them with more life.


Welcome to the home of one of the best local governments in Uganda. 22 years of independence from Moyo District has not only taught us the beauty of good service delivery but also challenges us each day to serve our people even better. It is a pleasure and indeed an honour that you have visited our site, thank you. We wish you the best as you orient yourself with what we have done in the past, are currently doing and what we hope to do. Karibu sana!


What initially seemed like a low turn up eventually turned into a successful event with resolutions made to do more mobilization next year. The International Youth Day 2019 was commemorated with post district celebrations on August 16th at Paridi Stadium.The celebration was held under the theme: “Transforming Education” in partnership with the Danish Refugee Council, Lutheran World Federation, Global Aim, OPM, UNHCR, and Red Cross.Although not so many youths attended as required, leaders went on to make their remarks and hoped that the media would pass their messages or at the very least those in attendance would convey the key messages.The LC3 Chairman Adjumani Town Council, Tadrupasi Patrick, urged the youth to continue embracing the productive use of youth Livelihood funds because they are not future leaders but leaders of today.The Youth council chairperson, Dima Godfrey, applauded the government for prioritizing education through UPE and vocational skilling before adding that education should be competitive at the worldwide level. He also suggested that Village Education Committees be set up and equipped with capacity building trainings to reduce school dropouts and increase enrollment. He also tasked the district to implement government policies and ordinances on betting and gambling.The Vice-Chairman, Anyanzo John Ambayo, advised the youth to abandon betting and instead embrace vocational ventures as they look for their ideal jobs. He also encouraged those still in school to take up studies in Information Technology because soon there will be an abundant need for the skill in the West Nile Region as government as already earmarked a suitable project.The RDC, Taban Data Peter, intimated that his office was in the process of arresting those who stage illegal discos and they could spend up to 40 years in jail. The RDC then rewarded football teams of Mireyi and the town Council who had officially opened the ceremony with a match. 


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