
About Us


Vision, Mission and Goal

 VISIONPROSPEROUS AND HARMONIOUS PEOPLE ENJOYING HIGH STANDARDS OF LEAVING IN A BEAUTIFUL DISTRICT BY 2040. MISSIONTO PLAN AND IMPLEMENT SOCIO-ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMMES FOR IMPROVED AND SUSTAINABLE QUALITY OF LIFE OF THE PEOPLE IN ADJUMANI DISTRICT. OBJECTIVESTo mentor lower level local governments in proper implementation of various programmes.To improve and maintain law and order in the District.To improve revenue collection, transparency and accountability at all levels of administrationTo promote good governance, transparency and accountability at all levels.To improve farmers agricultural productivity and marketing, food security and increasing household incomes.To reduce mortality and morbidity rates among Adjumani population.To Improve accessibility and quality of education in the district.To provide adequate operational infrastructure and planned development in the district.To provide adequate, clean, safe and affordable water to the people of Adjumani district.To provide sustainable and equitable use of natural resources and integrate environmental concerns in DDP.To improve the quality of life of the vunerable groups in the community and ensure community participation in District Development programmes.To integrate district development plans.To promote the integration of gender participatory planning in development programmes.